Acceptable Use Policy

Mission – With a focus on innovation and access, we develop partnerships and build educational programs to honor students as they grow toward their individual potential and solve global challenges.

Mizzou Academy Expectations for Student Learning

  • Employ current technology to investigate, create, communication and produce.
  • Apply a variety of problem-solving strategies.
  • Write effectively.
  • Communicate effectively.
  • Read critically.
  • Obtain, evaluate, analyze and apply data.
  • Demonstrate self-control and respect for all individuals.
  • Pursue and participate in modes of artistic and creative expression.
  • Exhibit responsible citizenship.

Use of the Mizzou Academy technology, including software and other resources, is a privilege granted to students in order to prompt their educational development. This privilege comes with the expectation that students will use that technology in a manner consistent with Mizzou Academy’s mission and instructional goals. 

Responsible Citizenship

As a digital citizen of Mizzou Academy, we expect you to use information and technology in safe, legal and responsible ways. This includes the following facets of being a digital citizen:

  • Respect yourself. I will select online names that are appropriate. I will consider the information and images that I post online.
  • Protect yourself. I will not publish my personal details, contact details or a schedule of my activities.
  • Respect others. I will not use technologies to bully or tease other people.
  • Protect others. I will protect others by reporting abuse and not forwarding inappropriate materials or communications.
  • Respect intellectual property. I will suitably cite any and all use of websites, books, media, etc. For more information on this, please refer to our policies on academic integrity.
  • Protect intellectual property. I will request to use software and media that others produce.

This policy is adapted from CRR 110.005 from the University of Missouri.


By using Mizzou Academy’s technology resources, you agree toThe following actions are strictly prohibited
Respect the intellectual property rights of authors, contributors, and publishers in all media.Protect user ID, password, and system from unauthorized use.Adhere to data access policies of the University or those established by law.Use University computer resources in a manner that is compliant with University policies and State and Federal law.Viewing, sending, displaying or downloading obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, disrespectful, threatening, or inflammatory language, messages, or graphics/pictures. Uses that unreasonably interfere with the ability of others to make use of Mizzou Academy resources.Attempting to gain or gaining unauthorized access to the files of another.Use of Mizzou Academy resources to infringe the intellectual property rights of others.Use of Mizzou Academy resources for personal profit, except as permitted under the University’s conflict of interest policy.

Enforcement of Acceptable Use Policy

Violation of the Acceptable Use Policy may result in a denial of access to Mizzou Academy information technology resources, and other appropriate disciplinary actions.